Monday, 5 July 2010

'A Nice Cup of Tea'

George Orwell is one of my all-time favourite authors and I know that he was a big tea fan. So I was pleased to stumble across his famous essay 'A Nice Cup of Tea' and read his thoughts on the taking of tea, particularly as it relates to tea drinking in the time of rationing. I thought you might like to have a read, it's fairly quick and it has Orwell's eleven top tips for the perfect cuppa.

I'm hoping to put up some lovely recipes to accompany various types of tea soon, once I get my baking mojo back. Any suggestions?


  1. I love Scones and Clotted Cream with tea, but Sandwiches (esp. tuna and cucumber are perfect with some, too). And somewhere, I even have a recipe for Earl Grey shortbread! Coming to think of it, I haven't made those in a long time.
